Handylift Wheeler

Handylift Wheeler

The Handylift Wheeler is primarily designed for 600 x 600 clear opening singl-piece sewer covers with two keyholes. It is tested to a safe working load of 1 tonne. That lifting power is achieved through its combination of telescopic handle and screwjacks, which can be engaged when facing stuck covers that won’t prize up using manual leverage alone.

Various key types are available, making the Handylift Wheeler an ideal low cost solution to preventing back and finger injury when lifting manhole covers. When ordering from our price list, be sure to add keys from the ‘Ringtop keys’ section.

For more information download the product sheet (right sidebar).

Lifter Hire

As well as purchase, we can offer Handylift Hydraulic or Texas Hydraulic kits for weekly rental, with prices from £175 per week complete with a full range of keys and accessories. Please call or email for details.
CALL; 01284 753954

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