Handylift Hydraulic
The Handylift Hydraulic is Proteus’ most versatile lifter, with a huge array of keys and accessories available to tackle the more unusual covers that other lifters simply won’t lift. We
Proteus has been the market leader in providing mechanical and hydraulic manhole cover lifters for the last 20 years, and we can use our experience in the field to provide solutions to all your manhole lifting problems. Lifting manhole covers isn’t as easy as you’d expect, due in part to the vast array of different keyholes available on different types of cover, and differing sizes of covers coupled with awkward locations.
As well as allowing you to comply with manual handling legislation and regulations, a Proteus lifter is also a great investment from a time perspective, significantly speeding up the lifting of manhole covers and consequently the efficiency of your operatives. Proteus now offers three basic models of lifter (Hydraulic, Swinger, Wheeler) to cater for various needs, and there are a couple of variants for the Hydraulic and Swinger lifters
The Handylift Hydraulic is Proteus’ most versatile lifter, with a huge array of keys and accessories available to tackle the more unusual covers that other lifters simply won’t lift. We
Primarily designed for sewer covers with two keyholes, the Handylift Swinger is an innovative, lightweight manhole lifter that is portable for even the most ‘petite’ of engineers. It has a
The Handylift Swinger BT Spec is a specialised kit specifically designed to simplify the lifting of BT carriageway lids. In addition to the 2-keyhole lifting ability of the standard Swinger,
The Handylift Wheeler is primarily designed for 600 x 600 clear opening singl-piece sewer covers with two keyholes. It is tested to a safe working load of 1 tonne. That
The Pristine Key is a manhole cover removal kit for a two-person team, featuring a pair of lifting handles and three sets of interchangeable manhole keys for different covers. The
Supplying equipment for the road surfacing industry since 1985, and is now the leading supplier of asphalt Hot Boxes, asphalt duvets, and environmentally-friendly fluids.Â
The Handylift Wheeler is primarily designed for 600 x 600 clear opening singl-piece sewer covers with two keyholes. It is
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Supplying equipment for the road surfacing industry since 1985, and is now the leading supplier of asphalt Hot Boxes, asphalt duvets, and environmentally-friendly fluids.Â